News-tagged Entries Page 1 [50 per page]

Some old and new Super Hero Clock fanart. IIIIIIT'S... SUPER HERO CLOCK FANART TIME!!!
I keep posting about SHC stuff from me but I decided I should do something different this time. So t...
Created on July 1, 2024

If Super Hero Clock was part of an animation collab in an animation community, does it count as Super Hero Clock content? Welp, guess not. It's the new year, again. I know the fans are still waiting. I really hoped that I could start working on episode 3 in 2023 but then life just keeps me ...
Created on January 1, 2024

A fan Super Hero Clock animation made in Minecraft by JackKnight921 and some updates from Jess the Dragoon. Soooooo... in the midst of the (almost) dead silence concerning Super Hero Clock, I woke up one morning and found a Super Hero Clock fan animation, whic...
Created on June 15, 2023

Some non-SHC and SHC updates. It's another no-show-ish year for Super Hero Clock again because, as usual, I was working on a sidetrack animation. Again. This time, it's called "Lucio...
Created on November 10, 2022

Super Hero Clock episode 1 is not watchable on in Brazilian Portuguese and! Just a quick announcement here as the title above says.
Although there hasn't been much going on about the series over the years, it actually got p...
Created on May 2, 2022

Some non-SHC and SHC updates. If you guys read what I post on this website, you'd remember I posted something about a 500k subscriber special video some two years ago. I also said it...
Created on January 6, 2022

A new Super Hero Clock update and some other generic updates. Good news of course. It's crazy how I don't post for over a year and fans think I'm not doing what I do anymore or disappeared (from the web)... and then I post something ag...
Created on July 19, 2021

Some more non-SHC quick updates... But nothing negative in particular... You guys haven't heard from me in a while, yes I know, but rest assured, I'm ok despite what's going on throughout the entire world right now. COVID-19,...
Created on April 13, 2020

Some non-SHC quick updates... Hey guys! Just a quick update blog here. I'm still working on the Detective Pikachu fan animation. If you guys have been following me on Twitter, you'll...
Created on January 26, 2020

Posting after a long while. Super Hero Clock episode 3 and 4 story has been written and Jess the Dragoon announces a 500k subscriber special animation video! Like the title says, WOWwww.... Sure has been a while since I posted ANYTHING here and elsewhere. I was really REALLY busy. Here's what's been going on....
Created on September 14, 2019

Another non-SHC video before continuing the Super Hero Clock story. A Pusheen Valentine's day special. After the HTTYD anime video I was really looking forward and excited about con...
Created on February 20, 2019

Sidetrack How to Train Your Dragon Anime animation complete! Something special this holiday season! Sooo..... After wrapping up SHC epi...
Created on December 12, 2018

Super Hero Clock episode 2 is finally complete!! New Goal now up on my Patreon page
After two Pokemon GO Pokerap videos, four ...
Created on July 14, 2018

Super Hero Clock episode 2 part 3 and 4 are out now!
Wow it's really hard to blog-post these days! There's hardly any spare time for me to type updates a...
Created on April 12, 2018

I won the Hyun's Dojo Duel 2017 animation tournament! And have lots of catching up to do after that. After all the pain, blood and sweat "dueling" in this year's Hyun's Dojo Duel Animation Tournament, I finally won! My duelist, Time Havoc is officially ...
Created on November 11, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 4 (FINAL ROUND) - Time Havoc versus Reinz the lightning man. The final round of the Hyun's Dojo Animation Tournament is finally over. Judging will last about a week so I'm be eagerly waiting for the results now....
Created on October 29, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 3 - Time Havoc versus Arzon the wind bender. EDIT: I completely forgot to make this post public on this website! So here it is after more than a month. I'll be posting up the final round entry soon...
Created on August 31, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 2 - Time Havoc versus Cohle. It's July and Round 2 of the Dojo Duel Tournament has closed. Here's my entry:
Created on July 9, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament Round 1 - Time Havoc versus TG.108. The first round of the Dojo Duel Tournament is now closed. Here's my entry:
Created on May 20, 2017

A post about updates and stuff after so many weeks. OMG Half of April is gone and I haven't posted a word about anything that's has been going on! It's because A LOT has been going on!
Well, fi...
Created on April 20, 2017

Some more Super Hero Clock episode 2 part 3 work in progress. Quick update: About 6 weeks of the year is gone and now I'm almost done with part 3 raw animation. Just half a scene more to go and I'm off to making t...
Created on February 9, 2017

Some Super Hero Clock episode 2 part 3 work in progress. After 3-ish weeks of work, I'm down to less than one scene left to animate for SHC episode 2 part 3. I could have done more but it's the Chinese New Ye...
Created on January 27, 2017

Happy Holidays! Super Hero Clock continues next year! This year has only a few days left and what better way to wrap it up than with a new video! Too bad it's not Super Hero Clock episode 2 part 3 though b...
Created on December 11, 2016

Night Shift part 2 is done. Finally. Night Shift part 2 is done but I'm just gonna give a quick update. It was supposed to be done at the end of August or latest, beginning of September bu...
Created on October 18, 2016

A quick update on Super Hero Clock episode 2 and still open to hire background artists! The audition for Vice, the episode 2 villain, is closed. Moving on, I'm still open to hire background artist, preferably those who use Adobe Fireworks....
Created on May 31, 2016

Working on episode 2 part 1! Hiring background artists for future backgrounds and needing a voice for episode 2 villain character. Episode 1 is officially done and now episode 2 part 1 is in the works! The backgrounds are practically all done and it looks like I've finished more th...
Created on May 16, 2016

Starting off the new year with Super Hero Clock episode 2 and t-shirt sales! Happy New Year everyone! And boy is this gonna be another long, year! (Well I know every year has the same number of days but... y'know what I mean) S...
Created on January 4, 2016

Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 5 is complete just in time for this Christmas Holiday!! Let me start off with simple equations:
SHC ep1 Part 5 complete = SHC ep1 complete
SHC ep1 Part 5 = complete
∴ SHC episode 1 = com...
Created on December 22, 2015

Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 4 is complete! Race against Youtube channel subscriber count! Alright! Jess the Dragoon Youtube channel is now at 127,848 and Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 4 is COMPLETE! Which means the tight competition betwe...
Created on September 25, 2015

Some progress updates on Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 4. STATUS CHECK: Let It Go videos - DONE, 100k Subs - ACHIEVED, Vlog about some annou...
Created on July 31, 2015

A Super Hero Clock WIP video about Phosphene Special VFX. Alright! Last language version of my Genderbend Let It Go Multi-language version released! With that out of the way, here's a Super Hero Clock video! ...
Created on May 1, 2015

Super Hero Clock gets featured on Cartoon Hangover Frederator and gets notorious comments. SHC Episode 1 part 4 news. At the end of February 2015, The Frederator Network featured Super Hero Clock on one of its Cartoon Hangover Youtube Channel! Check it out:
Created on March 1, 2015

News about continuation of Super Hero Clock and videos for 2014 Christmas. I know lot of you fans out there are anticipating Super Hero Clock Episode 1 Part 4. Well, I was cleaning up the animation for part 4 a month ago and i...
Created on December 4, 2014

Stuff about Super Hero Clock production episode 1 part 4, new Super Hero Clock artwork gallery and other animations. So these few months, I've been tending to freelance projects which are now pretty much done. Yay! So I'm back working on Super Hero Clock while trying...
Created on October 9, 2014

Stuff about Super Hero Clock production. Episode 1 part 4 and Disney's Frozen Let it Go Male Elsa, genderbend The filler animation is finally done. It's "Let it Go" genderbent! That's right, Disney's Frozen Let it Go. This filler animation is by far the harde...
Created on July 14, 2014

Stuff about Super Hero Clock production. After the release of the third part of episode 1...
Created on May 12, 2014

Episode 1 : Time Hero (part 3) out now! The superhero appears. Showdown at the Brinburr Gallery. The plot continues for Super Hero Clock episode 1. The situation starts to tense up and new characters appear.
Watch it now! - ...
Created on March 30, 2014

Super Hero Clock official website, episode 1 part 2 publishing updates and the Animator's Club,animator Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 2 has been up on Youtube for a while now. Now it's also up on:
Created on November 12, 2013

Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 2 sneak peeks! Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 1 turned out to have quite a good response to there will be part 2! I was hoping to release it at the end of September ...
Created on September 21, 2013