News-tagged Entries Page 1 [10 per page]

Super Hero Clock Fanart Time!

Some old and new Super Hero Clock fanart. IIIIIIT'S... SUPER HERO CLOCK FANART TIME!!! I keep posting about SHC stuff from me but I decided I should do something different this time. So t...

Created on July 1, 2024

Still No SHC Stuff This Year BUT....

If Super Hero Clock was part of an animation collab in an animation community, does it count as Super Hero Clock content? Welp, guess not. It's the new year, again. I know the fans are still waiting. I really hoped that I could start working on episode 3 in 2023 but then life just keeps me ...

Created on January 1, 2024

Minecraft Super Hero Clock Fan Animation by JackKnight921!

A fan Super Hero Clock animation made in Minecraft by JackKnight921 and some updates from Jess the Dragoon. Soooooo... in the midst of the (almost) dead silence concerning Super Hero Clock, I woke up one morning and found a Super Hero Clock fan animation, whic...

Created on June 15, 2023

LUCIO MAN X - Another Sidetrack Animation Done!

Some non-SHC and SHC updates. It's another no-show-ish year for Super Hero Clock again because, as usual, I was working on a sidetrack animation. Again. This time, it's called "Lucio...

Created on November 10, 2022

Super Hero Clock Episode 1 Now On Anistage In Brazilian Portuguese And Reveel!

Super Hero Clock episode 1 is not watchable on in Brazilian Portuguese and! Just a quick announcement here as the title above says. Although there hasn't been much going on about the series over the years, it actually got p...

Created on May 2, 2022

Do You Remember That 500k Subs Special Video I Mentioned Before?... It's DONE! FINALLY! So What's Next For SHC?

Some non-SHC and SHC updates. If you guys read what I post on this website, you'd remember I posted something about a 500k subscriber special video some two years ago. I also said it...

Created on January 6, 2022

First Post Of The Year! WOW! New Time Hero Artwork!

A new Super Hero Clock update and some other generic updates. Good news of course. It's crazy how I don't post for over a year and fans think I'm not doing what I do anymore or disappeared (from the web)... and then I post something ag...

Created on July 19, 2021

When I Thought COPPA Was Bad Enough, There's CORONAVIRUS... Current Project Updates and... I'm On Twitch Now!

Some more non-SHC quick updates... But nothing negative in particular... You guys haven't heard from me in a while, yes I know, but rest assured, I'm ok despite what's going on throughout the entire world right now. COVID-19,...

Created on April 13, 2020

Some Quick Updates On Current Project Status And Lunar New Year!

Some non-SHC quick updates... Hey guys! Just a quick update blog here. I'm still working on the Detective Pikachu fan animation. If you guys have been following me on Twitter, you'll...

Created on January 26, 2020

Wow... It's Been A While... SHC Episodes 3 And 4 And 500k Subs Special Video!

Posting after a long while. Super Hero Clock episode 3 and 4 story has been written and Jess the Dragoon announces a 500k subscriber special animation video! Like the title says, WOWwww.... Sure has been a while since I posted ANYTHING here and elsewhere. I was really REALLY busy. Here's what's been going on....

Created on September 14, 2019

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