Just Wrapped Up SHC Episode 2 And Created A Goal In Patreon!

Posted on July 14, 2018

After two Pokemon GO Pokerap videos, four Dojo Duel Tournament animation entries, some "Overwatch time" and a little bit of slack, Super Hero Clock episode 2 is finally done! If those 6 videos were SHC episode parts, we would have more than 3 episodes of SHC now would we? But hey, life doesn't really let you do what you want.

Anyway, SHC episode 2 finale is now out on Patreon and episode 2 part 4 is sent out to SHC Fan Club members so be sure to check your inboxes and spam emails. I've also updated my Patreon page with a goal. The goal states that if I can get $500 per animation, I will find a better place to live and work on my animations. I think it's not an ambitious goal, but rather a reasonable one. If I can collect more funds, I can improve my working environment thus reducing the probability of falling ill and speeding up work progress.

So now that episode 2 is done, I'm not gonna jump straight into animating episode 3 because I have to write the story first. And while I work on the story, I might put up some other short animations to Youtube to at least make my channel NOT DEAD for the rest of this year. But of course, I really do hope I can finish writing the story fast and begin episode 3 production. We are down 2 episodes so another one shouldn't be that freakishly overwhelming anymore. Right?

What better way to wrap up work then with a weekend of World Cup football, sleep and fresh air? Welp, enjoy the finals! ;)
