Super Hero Clock Official Website
Part 2 of Episode 1 Looking Great But Not Making It This September
Posted on September 21, 2013
Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 1 turned out to have quite a good response to there will be part 2! I was hoping to release it at the end of September but then a few other important things came up and the progress was dragged a bit. So far, part 2 is coming out pretty well.Until now, I'm almost half way through finishing it. It'd be great to continue but I have to stop progress for another animation. It won't be a long halt like last time. Probably a week to 10 days.

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As for the other animation, it's totally unrelated to SHC because it is an adaptation of one of Zen Pencil's awesome comics. The animation will be released on my Youtube Channel when it's done. So if you are curious to know which comic it is, you'll know where to check it out!
Posted in Super Hero Clock News Archive