News-tagged Entries Page 4 [5 per page]

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 4 (FINAL ROUND) - Time Havoc versus Reinz the lightning man. The final round of the Hyun's Dojo Animation Tournament is finally over. Judging will last about a week so I'm be eagerly waiting for the results now....
Created on October 29, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 3 - Time Havoc versus Arzon the wind bender. EDIT: I completely forgot to make this post public on this website! So here it is after more than a month. I'll be posting up the final round entry soon...
Created on August 31, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 2 - Time Havoc versus Cohle. It's July and Round 2 of the Dojo Duel Tournament has closed. Here's my entry:
Created on July 9, 2017

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament Round 1 - Time Havoc versus TG.108. The first round of the Dojo Duel Tournament is now closed. Here's my entry:
Created on May 20, 2017

A post about updates and stuff after so many weeks. OMG Half of April is gone and I haven't posted a word about anything that's has been going on! It's because A LOT has been going on!
Well, fi...
Created on April 20, 2017