Super Hero Clock News Archive

News and updates for SHC

Winning The Animation Tournament, Time Havoc And Rest Is Next

I won the Hyun's Dojo Duel 2017 animation tournament! And have lots of catching up to do after that. After all the pain, blood and sweat "dueling" in this year's Hyun's Dojo Duel Animation Tournament, I finally won! My duelist, Time Havoc is officially ...

Created on November 11, 2017

Time Havoc VS Reinz - Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 4 (FINAL ROUND) Entry!

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 4 (FINAL ROUND) - Time Havoc versus Reinz the lightning man. The final round of the Hyun's Dojo Animation Tournament is finally over. Judging will last about a week so I'm be eagerly waiting for the results now....

Created on October 29, 2017

Time Havoc VS Arzon - Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 3 Entry!

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 3 - Time Havoc versus Arzon the wind bender. EDIT: I completely forgot to make this post public on this website! So here it is after more than a month. I'll be posting up the final round entry soon...

Created on August 31, 2017

Time Havoc VS Cohle - Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 2 Entry!

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament 2017 Round 2 - Time Havoc versus Cohle. It's July and Round 2 of the Dojo Duel Tournament has closed. Here's my entry: ...

Created on July 9, 2017

Time Havoc VS TG.108 - Dojo Duel Tournament Round 1 Entry!

Animation entry for Dojo Duel Tournament Round 1 - Time Havoc versus TG.108. The first round of the Dojo Duel Tournament is now closed. Here's my entry: ...

Created on May 20, 2017

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