First Super Hero Clock Teaser Trailer and New Website Layout

Posted on December 23, 2012

It has been more than 5 years since people have watched the original Super Hero Clock animation back in 2007 and they have been waiting to see more. Hence, on December 21 2012, the first Super Hero Clock teaser was released to break the years-long no-show hiatus. As animation skills have improved and workplace was upgraded more advanced and processor-heavy animation techniques were possible giving an all-new eye-catching look to Super Hero Clock.

This teaser trailer features the transformation of Tick Bender into the familiar purple crime-fighting enigma. Besides that, it also includes new uncanny poker-card beings and a brief dark appearance of new villains. The setting of Super Hero Clock is still the urban city portrayed by new and improved background graphics of the night city skyline. With the setting is a new addition of an outstanding building with an obtrusive giant clock face. The actual release date of the series is still unknown. But it would probably be a series of episodes each being about 15 to 20 minutes in length. That however, still remains a speculation.

Together with the release of this Super Hero Clock trailer, the official website if up and running on the web with a whole new look. News and updates of anything about this superhero animation will be available here. More content will be added from time to time.
